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Interview - Kitty


Interview with Kitty

Datum: 16-04-2021

  • Hi Kitty we are excited to have this interview with you and get to know you a little more. You joined the BikiniFanatics community in November 2017, what has been your best BF experience since you joined us?

    Hi Fans!! I love being able to let others see how much fun I have – and I love knowing others like it and have fun watching me have fun! Haha!

  • How long have you been a bikini fanatic? How did you get started in it?

    I’ve always liked bikinis and even when I was young, I thought they were cute. White was my fav cuz I looked more tan! I would not get caught dead on the beach in a conservative bathing suit! lol! I’ve worked out & stayed in shape over the years so I like showin off my skinny body in a bikini. It’s fun to be noticed! 

  • Do you have more lifestyle fetishes? For example, high heels, latex, lingerie, foot fetishes or something like this?

    I like your choice of words! Now that you put it that way, I have a lot. I love wearing short shorts, miniskirts, skimpy dresses, see through tops in public, anything “inappropriate!” Back in the day my friends all gave me sh** for wearing crop tops & tube tops! I prefer no bra but if I must, I like lacey/sexy bras. I’m very much into not wearing underwear becuz I don’t want panty lines - so I don’t wear them. Story is told of one time I fell when wearing a dress and the call went out across the party “girl down - no panties!” On yah – I always like my high heels. Being 5’9” (175.25cm) it made me even taller!

  • Lots of your galleries on BF are taken at swinger resorts, how long are you in the lifestyle and what is your lifestyle status (hotwife, cuckold, swinger etc)? Can you tell us more about this lifestyle?

    One of my fav events is the annual Fantasy Fest held in Key West, Florida every year in October. It’s packed with “every day normal” people. They say 40–70,000 people of all ages, countries, ethnicities, singles, couples, etc. show up. You just see me in my galleries being myself - having fun wherever I am! I really didn’t even have a label or category for what I was doing, I was just having fun. The first time I was called a MILF I didn’t even know what that was! Haha! I’m very approachable. I like to flirt & dance with guys & girls and be rowdy & see what happens. Actually, I’ve never been to a “swinger resort.” My bf likes to watch & encourages me to be me. He’s usually not in on it as I cuckold him! I like how others call me a Hotwife! Some of the fun has been going to different states, counties, islands and joining in with the locals. It’s fun to meet & play with different men: Latino, European, younger, beefer dudes, etc. I like meeting other hot dudes from other countries. BTW, I’ve sure thought about it and would like to go swinger or clothing optional resorts. If any fans have suggestions, please message me to let me know! 

  • What is your favorite thing about being a bikini fanatic?

    It’s fun to wear a bikini – it means hot weather, getting tan, being in the sun and parading around in public wearing next to nothing thinking I’m kinda cute! …maybe someone will notice, look & wanna chat with me… 

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  • According yo your uploads on BF, you love to shoot in public where passer byers can watch, how does that make you feel?

    Believe or not but I’m actually kinda shy! I’m self-conscious, like “am I being a showoff?” On the other hand, I just like having fun with people and getting that on film to share with you! If any fans have scenarios you’d like to see from me, message me!  

  • Have shooting content and uploading this to the public changed your perspective in regards to body confidence and did it make you feel more confident since?

    Tor from Malibu Strings saw some of my pics & asked me to model for Malibu Strings. Why not!? It’s not an awareness I thought of on my own. Now I had the realization it’s ok to wear bikinis and be out there for others to see & enjoy my body. I started back in 2012. I’ve never been self-conscious of my body, I did not know how others see it? I just did it for myself. Then I found out others like to see my body!! It’s brought lots of fun more than anything else. Given me more chances to be rowdy for the camera. I love all the fun that’s come with it!

  • How many bikinis do you have?

    Trick question! When I mix & match I have more! Lol! Before I first posted I maybe had 10? Then I became a Malibu Strings competition model in 2012 & now have 100+!

  • What is your ‘biggest’ bikini and what is your smallest bikini? Or as we call it, nano bikini? Please link us to the gallery you wearing it.

    My skimpiest is probably my micro blue bottom & white bandeau top - and both are sheer when wet! Check out my “Pool Side Magic” Video!


    I’m pretty sure most people don’t think I have any bikinis they would consider “big” Haha! No matter the size, I always have fun in them since they end up falling off anyway! My pink halter top is good to wear if I’m required to be more modest! Check me out in “Nude Tubing” where I end up bottomless & Nude!


    And I wanted to share what might be my fav bikini, my pink scrunch butt. It’s so fun how it shows off my butt crack! Check me out in “Black & Pink.”

  • What's your favorite BF gallery so far and why? Link us!

    Public Boat Show” This gallery captured me having so much fun meeting new people on the boats & getting all the attention. It was so fun in the moment. It just happened. I did not set out to be that way. (Bonus: I was again wearing the bikini that started my Malibu Strings modeling career!) Please message me your fav of mine? And let me know what you’d like to see again or see that you haven’t seen from me yet.

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  • What makes a man sexy? What traits do you admire in a man?

    To me a man is sexy when he’s funny, a goof ball, confidant (but not an ass hole), persistent, assertive, looking for fun, drama free, good dresser, carriers himself well, an Underdog, cute, hot, nice. I like him to approach me. I like the ones where I can be myself, can chat with them. I like guys to reach under my skirt. Guys who get me to touch their manhood. I really like a dude who wants to, & has the guts to, touch me and wants me to touch him. 

    Like I alluded to, I like the local guy from the other counties or islands. I like the accent & foreign language. Makes them mysterious. I also like when he knows who he is. It’s fun with a variety: younger, older, wordly, mature, sophisticated, experienced, beefer dudes, Latino’s, European’s, cultured.  I’ve been with taller, shorter, older, younger. It’s exciting to wonder if something will happen...

  • What makes a woman sexy? What traits do you admire in a woman?

    Sweet, kind, thoughtful, likes to laugh, genuine, aware of others. Likes to have fun. Not serious about themselves.

  • Are you an animal lover? Are you a dog or cat person?

    I love dogs & dogs love me! We get each other!

  • What do you do for a living?

    I've held many jobs but my current job as a Pharmacy tech lets me do what I have always wanted to do: help people.

  • How often do you travel during the year?

    As much as I can – but not enough! Haha!  I don’t live by an ocean; I live in the Midwest USA so I like to go where it’s warmer to work on my tan.

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  • What are your hobbies and interests?

    Exercising, yoga videos, wearing nano bikinis, dancing, picking up dudes, blow jobs. travel, wearing cute little tight outfits, looking for & having crazy fun.

  • What kind of music do you like?

    I like a variety of hits from all eras. What ever gets the boys dancing! 

  • What are your bikini sizes?

    The Smallest possible!

  • What are your favorite holiday destinations?

    Here in the USA topless beaches are limited, so I like Mexico & the Caribbean with nice weather & people. But I really want to go to somewhere like Spain, Portugal, or Croatia. Message me if you have recommendations for me or wanna meet up for a duo shoot!

  • Do you have a boyfriend or are you married? How long are you together/married? And have you had many?

    I have a long-term boyfriend, but also many others. He lets me do whatever I want.

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  • Did you date a lot in high school?

    I was on the Dance Line. I did not want to be tied down with a boyfriend in HS. I didn’t think a boyfriend was necessary! I had lots of fun, went to all the dances, gave blow jobs. I had some crazy college boyfriends but dumped them all so I could take on new ones when I studied abroad in Europe!

  • Do you do any sports?

    Nothing with balls - only have good hand eye coordination when the balls are attached to a dude.

  • What do you like sexually? What gets you wet?

    Slow hands, a new guy, the mysterious. Wondering what will it be like, what will happen. Turns me on to please. Turns me on to turn him on. I like to be taken.

  • What is your ultimate sexual fantasy?

    Hmmm, I’ve been able to realize so many already. I hope to be the one to fulfill others fantasies…

  • Thank you so much for your time, I hope you enjoyed answering them. We do have one last questions though: What can we expect from you in the upcoming months? Thank you again and thank you for being #IamBikiniFanatic!

    I have so many more bikinis I want to wear and share with you! Hoping I can travel so I can continue posting galleries & videos of me having sexy fun. Message me if you have any fun ideas you want to see from me.

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