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Interview - AmelieK


Interview with AmelieK

Datum: 14-05-2021 - 27-05-2021

  • Hi Amelie we are excited to have this interview with you and get to know you a little more. You joined the BikiniFanatics community in May 2019, what has been your best BF experience since you joined us?

    Ho raggiunto la comunità di BF perché da sempre mi piace essere guardata e apprezzata in tutti i miei lati. Anche quelli più esuberanti ed eccessivi. Ma nella quasi totalità dei casi nei social non ero libera di postare ció che volevo cosa che qui posso fare in sicurezza, e ci tengo sottolineare per tutte le future modelle questo aspetto, contro foto rubate e simili, e sentire l’affetto e il supporto dei fans senza il quale non avrebbe senso continuare a fare foto.

    I reach BF community because I love been watched and appreciated in all my faces. Also the ones more excessive and naughty. But in the normal social I’m not free to post what I want and here I can do safely, and I underline the safety of BF for the next model too against stolen pics, but still feeling the warm of the fans without them there is no sense make picture.

  • How long have you been a bikini fanatic? How did you get started in it?

    Come molte ragazze è stato il mio compagno ad introdurmi nel mondo dei micro bikini circa 12 anni fa. Ma appena indossato mi son sentita molto femminile ed attraente e da quel momento non li ho più abbandonati, sempre supportata dal mio compagno 

    As many girls has been my bf introducing me in the micro bikini world about 12 years ago. But Immediately I wore it I feel myself very attractive and I never quit microbikini, always supported by my bf.

  • Do you have more lifestyle fetishes? For example, high heels, latex, lingerie, foot fetishes or something like this?

    Tacchi alti, latex, lingerie non classica,  insomma praticamente tutti. Non ho peró feticismo per i piedi ed odio i collant.

    High heels, latex and not classic lingerie, in short all!!! Just I have no fetish for foot and I do not like to wear pantyhose.

  • What is your favorite thing about being a bikini fanatic?

    Sentirsi libere ed attraenti senza complessi.

    feeling free and attractive with no complex

  • Do you ever shoot in public where people can watch? How does that make you feel?

    Si, moltissime volte e il più delle volte  non mi ha dato problemi anzi mi sono caricata e mi piace. Tranne un paio di casi quando alcune persone si sono masturbate in maniera invadente e maleducata. 

    Yess many times, and no problem for most of the time and I like being watched, it makes me extra horny. Just a couple of times, persons are stroking themselves in intrusive and bad manners.

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  • Have shooting content and uploading this to the public changed your perspective in regards to body confidence and did it make you feel more confident since?

    Certamente si!!!! Ogni singolo complimento mi fa sentire meglio e certamente aiuta a piacersi di più.

    Obviously yessss!! Every single compliment makes me feel better and help to appreciate by myself.

  • How many bikinis do you have?

    La risposta più difficile! Non lo so, ma penso più di 100 o 150.

    Difficult answer, I do not know may be 100/150

  • What is your ‘biggest’ bikini and what is your smallest bikini? Or as we call it, nano bikini? Please link us to the gallery you wearing it.

    Questo il più grande coprente, comunque molto, ma molto sexy ugualmente - This is the most covering, but still much, much sexy the same: 'Hot, sweat, wet.'

    Invece di nano bikini non ho, allora è l occasione buona per prendere un BF nano haha

    questo penso sia uno dei più piccoli che ho - 

    Instead I don’t have nano bikini, This is the occasion to take a Bf nano bikini haha

    This is one of the smallest I have: 'Hot, sweat, wet.'

  • What's your favorite BF gallery so far and why? Link us!

    Questa 'High mountain, skimpy bikini.

    per location veramente unica difficile da raggiungere con panorama maestoso e comunque con bikini molto sexy e poco coprente. Gli alpinisti presenti hanno apprezzato molto meno qui, ha avuto pochi like. Peccato.

    This one: 

    'High mountain, skimpy bikini.

    unique location very difficult to reach with stunning landscape but still with tiny and not covering bikini. The climber who watched me appreciate a lot but not here, I had so few like. But I know, the “market” is not for quality.

  • What makes a man sexy? What traits do you admire in a man?

    Ovviamente un bel fisico ma mi deve prendere anche la testa. Perciò forse di più l’intelligenza ed essere smart.

    E poi se c’è anche la misura..... LOL

    Obviously a fit body but he must catch my mind too. May be is more important be a smart person … but if there is also the size …. LOL

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  • What makes a woman sexy? What traits do you admire in a woman?

    Un fisico sportivo e la sensualità, che non si impara, si ha dentro.

    A fit body and sensuality, that you cannot learn, you have inside. Obviously a fit body is hot, but she must catch my mind too. Maybe it is more important to be a smart person.

  • Are you an animal lover? Are you a dog or cat person?

    Sono nata in una piccola fattoria quindi si, amo gli animali, anche se ora non ne ho. Sicuramente sono una gatta.

    I am born on a small farm, so yes I love animals, but currently I don’t have any. For sure I’m a cat person.

  • What do you do for a living?

    Sono assistente in uno studio dentistico.

    Assistant in a dental studio.

  • How often do you travel during the year?

    Viaggi veri una due volte l’anno. Ma per fortuna abito in una zona con il  mare, le alpi e magnifici laghi a portata di weekend in auto.

    Big trip one to twice a year. But I am lucky to live in an area with Mediterranean sea, the Alps and wonderful lake that I can reach by car in weekends.

  • What are your hobbies and interests?

    Danza con i tacchi (heels) , pole and exotic dance oltre a posare ovviamente.

    Heels dancing, pole and exotic dance and to do shootings.

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  • What kind of music do you like?

    Pop, rock, reggaeton insomma un po di tutto.

    Pop, rock, reggaeton, and a mix of all. 

  • What are your bikini sizes?

    Dipende dalle marche, per lo più Small.

    Depends by the brand but the most Small.

  • What are your favorite holiday destinations?

    Ibiza e Mikonos le ho amate veramente ma la preferita è la prossima. E accetto consigli ...

    Ibiza and Mykonos I really loved, but the preferred is the next!!! and I accept suggestions from those who read this ;) 

  • Do you have a boyfriend or are you married? How long are you together/married? And have you had many?

    Vivo con il mio compagno attuale da più di 10 anni, e ho vissuto solo con un’altro.

    I live with my bf from more than 10 years, before “just” one.

  • Did you date a lot in high school?

    No, ero timida!!! Ho recuperato dopo haha

    No, I was shy!!! I was late haha.

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  • Do you do any sports?

    Mi piace correre, ho fatto una mezza maratona competitiva, molti trail in montagna di lunghezze su 10/15 km. Anche la bici e da un paio d’anni mi sono appassionata al SUP (stand up paddle). Inoltre mi alleno con il crossfit.

    I love running, I did a competitive half marathon, many mountains trail 8/10 miles long. Also cycling and from a couple of year I did SUP (stand up paddle). And I love to do CrossFit.

  • What do you like sexually? What gets you wet?

    Sesso senza tabù, ma vedere l’uomo ‘venire ed esplodere’ sul mio corpo mi porta veramente oltre.

    Sex without taboo, but see the guys “exploding” on my body take me to the limit.

  • What is your ultimate sexual fantasy?

    Ihihih .... mmmhhh .... 3 uomini e io sola ... magari ammanettata oooppsss L’ho detto!!!!! Ma devono essere speciali e devo fidarmi, perciò non è ancora avvenuto.

    Ihihih … mmmhhh … 3 men and just me …. May be handcuffed ooopppsss I told you!!! But the guys must be special and I must trust in them, for this reasons it is not happen yet.

  • Thank you so much for your time, I hope you enjoyed answering them. We do have one last questions though: What can we expect from you in the upcoming months? Thank you again and thank you for being #IamBikiniFanatic!

    Grazie a voi, è stata una bella intervista non banale. Spero piaccia. Cosa aspettarsi??? Mmhhh ovviamente altre gallery/video sperando di farle sempre più belle ed intriganti in posti sempre nuovi con i bikini più sexy! Sempre grazie a tutti i miei supporter/sponsor!

    Thank you to you, it has been a good interview. Hope you like it. What’s next? Mmmhhh obviously other galleries/video hoping to do them even better and intrigues in new location and new sexy bikini! Also I'll be waiting here on BF for your suggestion for a new theme, DM me for this!

    ALWAYS thank you to all my supporters/fans!

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